Boys' Athletics
Contact Information
Coach Bryan Chaney (Boys MS Coordinator)
Head Middle School Football, 7th Football, Cross Country, Track
Coach Spencer McCloud
Head MS Basketball, Cross Country, Track
Coach Haden Carpenter
Cross Country, Track, Football, Basketball
Coach Kenny Boner Cross Country, Track, Football, Basketball
Coach Jhett Parker
Cross Country, Track, Football
Athletic Trainers
Brandon Pounds and Alyssa Gorecki
SportsYou App (All Communication):
If you have not already, please join our football page on sportsYou.
6th Grade Pre-Athetics will have a SportsYou page. Students in 6th grade boys pre-athletics and parents are encouraged to join the SportsYou page. This is how the coaches will share information with players and parents. We will use this page to post information for the next 3 years with the class of 2031 while they are in middle school. The page will be renamed each year as they move to the next grade.
Pre-Athletics SportsYou Code: D5NR3LMA
7th and 8th Grade Football parents and players only need to join the sportsYou page for the grade they will be in. 7th grade players and parents do not need to join the 8th grade sportsYou page. Same for 8th grade players and parents.
8th grade will use the same page they did last year, but their page has been renamed
8th Football/2029.
The 7th grade page is named
7th Football/2030
Here are the codes to join our sportsYou pages:
8th Grade - MSEW6B49
7th Grade - DCZSZYR7
7th & 8th Grade Football SportsYou Instructions
Medical Information:
Players must have a new physical every year. Players that do not have a physical on file will not be eligible to participate in any way during practices or games until a physical is on file with our trainers.
Please, note!
Players will not be issued equipment until the physical form is turned in to the athletic trainers and all Rank One paperwork is completed.
If an athlete does not have a physical turned in within two weeks of the start of school, they will be removed from athletics.