Sports You
Athletes as well as parents need to download the SportsYou app! We will communicate with athletes and parents through this app. This is much more versatile than Remind 101 and very user friendly. In addition, we write information on our athletic white board, calendar, send emails, give hard copies, and give the kids daily reminders about upcoming events, departure times for games, picture days, and many other things.
Click on the Link for SportsYou codes and other important information about Girls Athletics!
SportsYou Codes for 2023-24:
7th Athletics - YR8HTWCB
7th Volleyball - pages will be added after tryouts have been completed
7th Basketball - pages will be added after tryouts have been completed
8th Athletics - Q4JQTXPW
8th Volleyball - pages will be added after tryouts have been completed
8th Basketball -pages will be added after tryouts have been completed
XC Boys and Girls - - 6FECHZGB
Letter From the Coaches
Girls Athletics Important Information and Expectations
Dear Parents and Athletes:
We are anticipating this year as being another successful year at MMS with many accomplishments and goals being achieved. I hope you find this packet of procedures and information helpful in making decisions and knowing what to expect next year during athletics.
In accordance with UIL rules, all 7th and 8th grade athletes must have a complete physical performed by a licensed medical physician each year that they participate in athletics. The forms and physical packets are available at the top of this page under "Physical Form" and "Rank One" links.
Your athlete must submit a physical and all completed forms prior to the first day of school in order to begin participation. XC begins as does Volleyball try-outs on the second day of school(August 15th), so all participants must have this step complete.
If you have any questions or concerns please call the girls coaches office at the Multi-Purpose Building. Our phone numbers are 393-7395 or 393-7396.
We look forward to soaring high next year!
MMS Girls' Coaching Staff
Suggested Summer Workout
Sunday: OFF/Recovery
Monday: Run 5 minutes, walk 2 minutes, repeat 3 to 5 times depending on how you feel
Tuesday: Run hard for 1 minute, walk for 1 minute, repeat 5 times
Wednesday: Do some physically active (swim, bike, walk, basketball, volleyball, etc)
Thursday: Run for 6 minutes, walk for 3 minutes, repeat 4 times
Friday: Run for 5 minutes, and then do an AB/Arm workout for 20 minutes
Saturday: Run hard for 3 minutes, walk for 2 minutes, Run hard for 2 minutes, walk for 1 minute, Run hard for 1 minute repeat 1 to 2 times depending on how you feel.
Increase Running minutes by 3 minutes every 2 weeks.