Rotation Information

Coach Daugherty, Miss Buckland, Coach Brumley, Mrs. McNiel
Rotation Schedule: | |
8:45-9:30 | 5th Grade |
9:35-10:20 | 4th Grade |
10:25-11:10 | 3rd Grade |
11:10-12:15 | Lunch/Conference |
12:15-1:00 | 2nd Grade |
1:05-1:50 | 1st Grade |
1:55-2:40 | Kindergarten |
2:45-3:15 | Pre-K |
Save the date:
9/16, Karate during 1st-5th grade rotation
10/10, 6pm, 1st Grade Music Program and Art Display
10/18, Fun Run
10/28-11/1 Red Ribbon Week Poster Contest
11/4-11/14 PK, Kinder, 1st grade Balance Bikes in PE
11/4-11/14 3rd-5th Grade Fitnessgram in PE
11/11, 8am, Veteran's Breakfast 4th Grade Songs and Art Display
12/2-12/13, 3rd-5th grade Skating in P.E.
12/2-12/18, 7:20-7:40am, 5th grade Caroling Choir singing in front foyer
12/5, 6pm, 2nd Grade Music Program and Art Display
12/17, Jingle Jog during rotation, weather permitting(families invited to participate)
12/18, 9am-12pm, 5th grade caroling choir trip singing around Decatur, then lunch at Cici's
2/3, Kids Heart Challenge Kicks off
2/21, Kids Heart Challenge Event Day during rotation
3/3-3/31, Rann Student Artwork on display at Central Administration Building
3/3-3/14, 3rd-5th Grade Spring Fitnessgram in PE
4/3, 6 pm, 3rd Grade Level Music Program and Art Display (Book Fair OPEN)
4/21-4/25, DISD Art Show at Central Admininstration Building
4/28-4/29, 3:30-4:30pm, Talent Auditions
5/2, Talent Show, 2pm
5/9, Field Day AM-PreK-2nd grade, PM-3rd-5th grade
TBA May, PK/Kinder Graduation Songs and Art Display
TBA May, 5th Grade Art Display