🏕️ Kinder Camp 🏕️ We had a great turn out and the kiddos are having fun!
It's almost time!! The first day of the 2023-2024 school year is Thursday, August 10th!
Please help us welcome, Ms. Anderson! She will be joining Carson as our new music teacher. 💙🎶
Skyward is open for Returning Student Registration Verification!
Check your email if you need more information.
Save the date!
Returning Student Verification opens July 19th!
Look for an email next week with more instructions.
pdf: https://5il.co/1zdpo
🎶 💙🦅🎶
Register HERE: https://forms.gle/HQAGtbdxUxLsfEjK9
Event: August 2, 2023
Local vendors and community partners are invited to celebrate back to school with the Decatur ISD staff at our 2023 Convocation. Booths may give out promotional items or "swag" as a thank you and welcome back treat for teachers and staff and/or may have items for sale.
This event takes place at the Decatur High School cafeteria. 750 Eagle Summit Drive, Decatur, TX
Set Up August 1st- doors open from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm for those who wish to set up early
Event August 2nd- doors open at 7:15 am, staff will be able to visit booths and shop from 8 -9 and then again after the Convocation program
Approximately 535 staff members will attend this event.
Vendor spots are limited due to space.
Come join the family!
Carson Elementary is hiring.
pdf: https://5il.co/1ytu9
Help Decatur ISD Stuff the Bus! Thank you Rhine Realty and GDWCAR!
pdf: https://5il.co/1ysdr
ZIP ZAP! She’s all that!
Introducing our newest 4th grade Math and Science Teacher, Ms. Fuentes! 💙
TEA Assessment Portal access code information was emailed out on Thursday, June 29. However, the results for Spring 2023 STAAR assessments have a delayed posting schedule this year. Please see below.
The Texas Education Agency (TEA) will post Spring 2023 STAAR End-of-Course (EOC) assessment results to the Family Portal for parent and student viewing on Friday, June 30. For students taking EOC assessments (high school English 1, English 2, US History, Biology; high school and middle school Algebra 1) in Spring 2023, results can be seen on the Family Portal by logging in beginning Friday, June 30, using the portal access code information that was emailed to the family.
For Spring 2023 Grades 3-8 STAAR assessments, TEA will not post results until August 16, 2023. Your portal access code information will be sent again in August for that release date.
Mrs. Walterbach is coming to Carson to join our amazing 1st grade team! 💙
We are excited to welcome Mrs. Ariail to the 5th grade team! She is a great addition to our Carson family! 💙
Mrs. Ariail and Mrs. Crowell will both be teaching 5th Language Arts and Social Studies this year!
Mrs. Del Castillo will be joining our 3rd grade team! We are so excited to have her at Carson!
Please help us welcome Mrs. Scotton to our Carson Family! 💙
Come join the family!
decaturisd.us to apply
Come join the family!
decaturisd.us to apply
Come join our team!