We wanted to send our families an update regarding our current and future academic calendars and to address concerns in the community.
Current Academic Calendar
It recently came to our attention that inaccurate information about DISD bus routes, wages for bus drivers, and school schedules has been circulating. There are no plans to change the current academic calendar, and there are no plans to change our employee wages or bus routes to a two-tier route system for the 2024-25 school year. We are, however, evaluating transportation options that would minimize the time students are on the bus for next school year.
Next Year's Academic Calendar
A committee is currently working to develop the academic calendar for next year, the 2025-26 school year. Among the many considerations, our teams are exploring options to maximize instructional time in the classroom and to minimize the time that our students who ride buses are on those bus routes. For bus routes, our teams determined earlier this year that a two-tiered bus schedule would most likely not be a viable option for our schoolchildren during the 2025-26 school year.
How Calendars are Set
Decatur ISD, like all public districts in Texas, is governed by the Texas Education Agency (TEA). The TEA overseas much of our work, including how calendars are set. Please note that all changes to the academic calendar have to be discussed, voted on, and approved by the DISD School Board. Within that process, time is allotted for public and community feedback.
Your Feedback is Important
As noted above, all DISD calendars must have time for community input and be approved by the DISD board. Additionally, we regularly survey our families and the Decatur community regarding major DISD changes.