This multimedia database is an amazing resource for digital classroom media. Over 5,000 videos, 20,000 images, 4,000 audio files, 20,000 encyclopedia articles, lesson plans, classroom tools, and much more!

Academic OneFile is the premier source of peer-reviewed full-text scholarly content across the academic disciplines.

Aremis Literary Sources integrates full-text literary content with metadata and subject indexing and provides workflow tools to analyze information. You can research authors and their works, literary movements and genres.

Educator's Reference Complete provides access to academic journals, reports, and many premier reference sources in the field of education. The majority of the full-text titles are also found in the ERIC database.
Scribner Writer Series provides original, scholar signed essays on the lives and works of authors from around the world from all time periods.
Twayne's is devoted to in-depth critical introductions to the lives and works of major writers of the world within the context of the time period in which they lived.

General OneFile is a one-stop source for news, magazine, and periodical articles across a wide range of general interest topics and academic disciplines.

The Global Reference on the Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources focuses on the physical, social, and economic aspects of environmental issues.

Gale Virtual Reference Library is a database of encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research.
Informe Academico proporciona acceso a periódicos y revistas especializadas de lengua española y portuguesa. La base de datos ofrece una amplia gama de contenidos sobre América Latina.
InfoTrac Newsstand provides access to full-text newspapers and allows users to search articles instantly by title, headline, date, newspaper section, or other fields.
Kids InfoBits is the perfect educational product for today's young learners. It is a easy-to-use resource featuring age-appropriate content covering a broad range of educational topics.
Find up-to-date biographical information, overviews, full-text literary criticism and reviews on more than 130,000 writers in all disciplines.
Reputable, authoritative, and appropriate content that brings children aged 6-14 the world in a way they've never seen it before.

Opposing Viewpoints in Context is an engaging online experience for those seeking contextual information and opinions on hundreds of today's hottest social issues.

Research in Context, for middle school students, contains multi-media resources for all subjects.
Student Resources in Context is an engaging online experience for those seeking contextual information on a wide array of subjects.
Britannica Online School Edition offers encyclopedias and related materials for students of all levels.