Riding a school bus is a privilege provided by Decatur Independent School District and should be treated as such.
This eligibility and safety guide will help provide a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone who rides the school bus. Parents/guardians, please take the time to read and discuss this important information with your children.
Misconduct on the bus or at the bus stop may result in a student losing this privilege.
To be eligible for transportation, a student must:
1. Be attending their zoned schools of attendance and reside two or more miles (as measured along the shortest route that may be traveled on public roads or public access) from their assigned campuses.
2. Be a special needs student, age 3 through 21, whose disabilities prevent the use of regular transportation. Transportation for a student with a disability shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the student’s Individual Educational Plan (IEP).
Transportation is NOT provided for:
· Any regular educational student who is assigned to DAEP program.
· Students who do not qualify for bus transportation wanting to ride a bus to another campus or to specific address.
· Students who transfer through Open Enrollment or an Administrative Transfer.
1. Bus stops will be located on primary residential streets only. Each of our bus stops is designed after careful study of demographics, walking distances to stops and ridership in your area. The overall safety of stop placement is the most important factor considered.
2. Elementary students may be required to walk up to .30 miles (1584 feet) to a bus stop. Secondary students may be required to walk up to .5 miles (2640 feet).
1. Obey the instructions of the bus driver
2. Behavior on the bus should be the same as in the classroom.
3. Board and leave the bus at designated stops only
4. Do not ask the driver for permission to ride home on another bus with a friend or to be dropped off at a different location.
1. All students who ride a school bus to school must be at their bus stop at least 5 minutes before the scheduled stop time. When the bus arrives at the stop, it is NOT REQUIRED to wait for students who are not standing at the stop. This includes students who wait inside a house or in a vehicle until the bus arrives.
* Decatur ISD drivers ARE NOT ALLOWED to stop a bus for any student other than at a scheduled stop. All school buses are on a set schedule. Waiting unnecessarily at any stop causes the bus to run late for other students. The bus does not stop if students are not present at the stop.
2. Stand on the sidewalk or back from the roadway while waiting for the bus.
3. When the bus approaches, form a line and be prepared to load immediately.
4. Stand clear of the bus until it comes to a complete stop.
5. Do not litter or disturb landscaping of private property near the bus stop.
1. Do not push or shove.
2. Use the handrail and steps.
3. Go to your seat. The bus will not move until all students are seated.
4. Bus drivers will assign seats to the students and may change seating assignments as needed.
5. To ensure the safety and security of all students on Decatur ISD buses, parents may not board a school bus at any time.
If a student misses the bus, it is the parents’ or guardians’ responsibility to provide transportation to and from school. Parents/guardians, please instruct your children on procedures to follow if they miss the bus.
1. If the bus is missed in the morning, go home immediately.
2. If the bus is missed in the afternoon, go to the Principal’s office.
Once the bus starts moving, it will not stop to pick up a late student. Do not run after a moving bus at the bus stop or at school.
REMEMBER: Misconduct on the bus may result in a student not being allowed to ride on the bus.
1. Remain properly seated (facing forward keeping feet on the floor in front of them) at all times and not block the center aisle.
2. Once seated, do not change seats.
3. Seatbelts must be worn when available.
4. Normal conversation is allowed; any loud noises may distract the driver and create an unsafe condition.
5. Use of profane or vulgar language is not permitted.
6. Keep your arms and other parts of your body inside the bus.
7. Do not throw an object inside or out of the bus.
8. Do not mark, cut or scratch any part of the bus. Vandalism costs will be paid by the person who is responsible. Failure to reimburse the District will result in loss of riding privileges plus other penalties deemed appropriate by the district.
9. The emergency door and exit controls should be used by students only during supervised drills or actual emergencies.
10. Do not engage in any other conduct which might distract the driver from watching the road or disrupt the safe operation of the bus.
Stay seated until the bus comes to a complete stop
Use the handrail and take one step at a time when leaving the bus.
Wait for your turn to leave the bus; pushing and crowding will only slow your exit and may cause an accident.
Stay clear of the bus when the engine is started. Do not chase or hang onto the bus.
If an article drops or rolls near or under the bus, do not go after it. Go the door of the bus and ask the driver for help.
Go straight home or to your designated caregiver as soon as you get off the bus. Do not go anywhere else without parent’s or guardian’s permission. The District’s custodial responsibility ends when you leave the bus. Your parents/guardians are now responsible for your behavior/actions.
1. When crossing the street or highway, always walk at least 10 feet in front of the bus, never behind the bus.
2. Check for traffic in both directions and WALK-do not run-across the road.
3. Caution! Be alert for vehicles that do not stop when the bus is loading and unloading.
REMEMBER: Cross all street at intersections. Obey all traffic signals and signs on your way home. If you cross an intersection manned by a crossing guard, obey directions given by the crossing guard.
Do NOT bring the following items on the bus:
1. Tobacco and electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes)
2. Live animals or insects
3. Glass containers
4. Alcoholic beverages
5. Skateboards without written permission from both the Principal and Transportation Director
6. Lighters or flammable materials which include helium balloons.
7. Weapons, explosive devices, harmful drugs or chemicals
8. Any object (musical instrument, shop project, athletic equipment, skateboard, etc) too large for you to carry yourself and hold in your lap. Large items may not take up seat space designed for students.
9. Items which block the view of the driver.
1. Follow the driver’s instructions.
2. If you must leave the bus, stay in a group.
3. The following procedures will be used for evacuation in an emergency situation:
· The student nearest the door will open the door, exit and hold the door open until all students have exited the bus. Evacuation will start with the seat closest to the door.
· Leave the bus in single file as quietly as possible.
· Once outside the bus, follow the driver’s instructions completely.
1. Bus rider rules apply to all school-sponsored events.
2. Discipline will be the responsibility of the campus Principal and the trip sponsor/chaperone.
3. Strict loading and unloading time schedules will be followed.
If school is in session, the buses will run. School will be dismissed only upon instruction from the Superintendent of Schools. Area radio stations will be asked to announce instructions before classes start.
Drivers are NOT responsible for a student’s property. Articles left on the bus will be turned in to the Transportation office.
Misconduct on a school bus is dangerous for everyone on the bus. The driver needs to concentrate on driving the bus and not dealing with misbehavior. Misconduct is reported to the transportation director and campus principal. The campus principal assumes responsibility for taking disciplinary action.
The following disciplinary procedures will be administered for grades 5-12.
First Violation: The driver will give the student a verbal warning and document the warning on a bus conduct form.
Second Violation: The driver will provide documentation of the second offense to the transportation director and principal. The principal will have a conference with the student.
Third Violation: The driver will provide documentation of the third offense to the transportation director and principal. The principal will have a conference with the student and may include the parents. Suspension from the bus will be for three days.
Fourth Violation: The driver will provide documentation of the fourth offense to the transportation director and principal. The principal will have a conference with the student and his or her parents/guardian. The student will be suspended from the bus for a period of 10 days.
Last Violation: The driver will provide documentation of the last violation to the transportation director and the principal. The principal will have a conference with the student and parents/guardian again. The student will be suspended from the bus for the remainder of the school year.
If in the judgment of the bus driver and principal, a student engages in misconduct that is extreme or dangerous to other students or district staff such as unwanted physical contact, the principal may invoke a suspension for the rest of the school year. Discipline will be consistent for all students that ride school buses.
The procedures and number of disciplinary steps may be altered for elementary students.