Reading Intervention

Welcome to the Reading Lab where MAGIC happens!
In the Lab, we use a variety of activities to strengthen our Reading Skills. We serve students in Grades K-5 in a small group setting. Our activities are research-based, very explicit and give us lots of "bang for our buck" during our time together.
How can I help my child at home? Helpful Links and Information
Reading Rockets
Lots of helpful info! Start here for great articles and help in understanding the reading process. This site always has the latest research about the Science of Reading!Oh no! My child mixes B's and D's!
This is a short article that explains the developmental reading process and how mixing letters is a normal part of the process.
What is Dyslexia?
This site describes and answers questions about Dyslexia. Not all reading difficulties are caused by Dyslexia!There are LOTS of free printable resources and activities listed on this website. Check it out!
This Reading Mama
This website offers wonderful suggestions to help. your young readers at home.Starfall
This is a great website for online or app practice of early K-1 skills.Reading A-Z
This website offers a free trial to see if the materials are a good fit for your family. It features digital books on a variety of levels and topics. It also has a section for decodable books!Teach Your Monster to Read
This is one of my absolute fav websites and sometimes you can even catch it as the "Free App of the Day!"