Decatur ISD has called a NO TAX INCREASE bond election for Nov.
Register to VOTE by October 10th.
Please be patient as many families will be logging on.
If you have questions about grades or attendance please email your teacher.
Thank you for your patience and GRACE!
Decatur ISD has called a NO TAX INCREASE bond election for Nov. Register to VOTE by October 10th.
The Decatur ISD school board voted to form a committee of stakeholders interested in investigating possible grant funding opportunities for DISD. Staff and community members are invited to join this group.
Please call 940.393.7100 if you are interested.
The MMS track has reopened! Get your walking/running shoes on!
Public use is permitted before or after school hours unless DISD teams are practicing.
Decatur ISD was represented by Superintendent, Dr. Chad Jones, at the Wise County Chamber of Commerce Superintendent's Forum. Wise County leaders shared updates on each district.
Decatur High School FFA members, Bayli Johnson and Aubrey Taylor, were recognized at the September meeting of the Board of Trustees for the achievement of their Lonestar FFA Degree.
Other students recognized but not in attendance were Macie Holcomb, Lonestar FFA Degree, and Zane Allsup and Reagan Staab, American FFA Degree. These students graduated in May 2023.
FFA Advisors were also recognized for their contribution to these successes.
Rann Elementary students, Matthew Amos and Bowen Park, led the pledges at the September meeting of the Board of Trustees.
Decatur ISD held the annual food drive contest between campuses during the week of Homecoming. The district collected over 10,000 food items for W.A.R.M. Rann Elementary won the contest with 4,981 items collected!
Decatur ISD has called a NO TAX INCREASE bond election for Nov.
Register to VOTE by October 10th.
September 27th Decatur ISD will "GO GOLD" to raise awareness and show support of childhood cancer. Please join us in wearing gold on September 27th!
Eagles WIN!!!
Decatur Homecoming King and Queen —
🤴 Ronaldo Aguilar
👸 Jocelyn Espinoza
More HOCO 2023!
Friday night festivities are underway with our 'Coming Home Queen'Joyce McDaniel, Rep. Stuckey tossing the coin and the Flag Crew working hard after those Eagle scores!
Gifted / Talented Testing Information (1st-5th Grade)
More G/T info:
Spanish :
Its HOCO time in Decatur!!!
Add your favorite Decatur homecoming photo and the year the photo was taken in the comments on THIS post for a chance to win a Decatur tumbler and yard sign!
HOCO Pep Rally Tonight!
FREE Hotdogs @ 7pm
Pep Rally @ 8pm
FREE GLOW BRACELETS for the first 1000 visitors!
The DISD Silver Eagles will meet Sept. 20th at 11:30am in the District Administration Building. This group is open to all Decatur graduates and residents 65 years+. We look forward to seeing you! Lunch provided. RSVP to 940.393.7100
11:30 pm Players out of shelter to warm up.
11:20pm 27 minutes on lightning clock
10:54pm. Lightning reset- 30 min. This will be the official post location if the game is called. The Decatur / Stephenville football game is currently in a lighting delay. The delay resets to an additional 30 min from each new strike.