Decatur High School student swims  during competition
Bus driver Ernest Douglas Shaw Jr.
Decatur High School's 6 Students who were invited to audition for the All-State Choir
Decatur ISD Administration Building
Lady Eagle pose for a photo after winner the state championship
A group photo with all students and staff participated in Manufacturing Day
Superintendent Chat at McCarroll Middle School
Lady Eagles Basketball
Eagles Basketball celebrates with their team trophy
Lady Eagles Basketball Team
Kimberly Nash, Decatur I-S-D Director of Child Nutrition
Students work on floral arrangements
Taylor Williams
Boys Relay Swim Team
Lady Eagles soccer team poses for a group photo after winning the game
Decatur Tennis Team Photo after the Arlington Match
Decatur High School Tennis players pose for a photo
DISD Schools Closed Friday. Classes expected to resume Monday, Jan. 13.
Bad Winter Weather May Impact DISD