1:1 Device Program
Decatur ISD is committed to sustaining and improving technology to enhance the instructional resources for educators and increase the academic performance of all students. The district supports the use of technology in achieving high standards of teaching and learning in all classrooms for all students. All students should utilize technology as a tool to enhance critical thinking skills and solve real world problems by creating, collaborating, communications, practicing, and researching digital citizenship. Through the Decatur ISD One-to-One (1:1) device program, all students are provided a device. This program provides learning opportunities that incorporate the use of technology in the classroom.
Kindergarten through 5th grade students are issued an iPad.
Middle school students are issued a Chromebook.
High school students are issued a MacBook.
The technology staff works to ensure all technology equipment purchased functions efficiently and is included in a long range replacement plan.
Device Distribution and Collection
Student devices are issued the first week of the the school year. Student devices are collected during the last two weeks of the school year to allow technology staff to reset and repaid any damaged student devices during the summer months.
Acceptable Use Policy
During online registration each year, students and parents must sign the Acknowledge Form located in the Acceptable Use Policy. The Acceptable Use Policy provides information to students and parents on the responsible use, internet safety, and digital citizenship.